FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity
About Liza Talusan, Ph.D.
Liza has over 22 years of experience in K-20 education. She has served as a classroom teacher and senior administrator in preK-12 as well as in higher education, and is currently an associate instructor in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her work on anti-racism, centering people of color, and dismantling systems of oppression have been read across the country and used in trainings and workshops throughout education, the non-profit, and for-profit sectors. Liza has served as a strategic partner to schools, organizations, and corporations across the country around issues of culturally relevant recruitment, retention and onboarding; training of senior leadership and cabinet level leaders; curriculum development related to equity and inclusion; and training-the-trainer programs. She is a highly sought after speaker because of her approach to experiential learning and action-based approaches to addressing racism.
As an Asian American, Pilipinx leader, Liza has worked closely within the Asian American community to address issues of race, whiteness, and proximity to whiteness. Her work as a vocal leader in a racialized space focuses on pushing past myths about Asian Americans as well as disrupting problematic assumptions about Asian identity. Her research and scholarship on socialization and development serve as the foundation for conversations about race, learned biases, and ways to move forward in solidarity with other marginalized communities.
Liza earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Child Development from Connecticut College; her Master of Arts in Higher Education from New York University; a Human Resources Certificate from Stonehill College; her PhD in Higher Education from the University of Massachusetts Boston; is a Certified Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Coaching; and an Associate Coach through the International Coaching Federation. Liza is a master practitioner in the Energy Leadership Index and has facilitated multiple workshops on how to engage in authentic and challenge-focused leadership.
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Connect with Liza
Twitter: @ltalusan
Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins
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This FREE download will give you 10 strategies to help you develop an equity competent mindset (AND give you a shot of confidence that you can become an ADVOCATE for your students!).