FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity


About Lee-Ann Stephens, Ed.D.

Dr. Lee-Ann Stephens, Minnesota Teacher of the Year 2006, has been an educator for 30 years with K-12 teaching and leadership experience. She currently serves as a teacher on special assignment with the St. Louis Park Schools in Minnesota, as the High Achievement Program Coordinator which serves Black, Brown and Indigenous students in advanced classes. She is an affiliate with Pacific Educational Group: Courageous Conversations about Race, an Advisor for Integrated Schools, and she has been appointed by Governor Walz to the Education Commission of the States, a partner with education policy leaders to address issues by sharing resources and expertise. At the beginning of the pandemic she partnered with other racial equity leaders in MN to create an Equity Lens Reflection and Exploration Tool for Learning, which can be found on the Minnesota Department of Education’s website.

She holds a B.A. in International Studies, B.S. in Elementary Education, M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership. Her scholarship focuses on the needs of Black and Brown students in advanced classes.

Show Highlights

  • High Achievement Programs
  • Standards of Excellence
  • Myths of BIPOC students and their academic ability
  • BIPOC students are constantly having to prove their worth and abilities
  • Retaining BIPOC students in advanced courses
  • BIPOC teacher representation in advanced courses

Connect with Lee-Ann

Twitter: @MNTOY2006

Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins

Inquire about the Leading Equity Center’s “Annihilating Racial Injustice in Schools” training

Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins

Inquire about the Leading Equity Center’s “Annihilating Racial Injustice in Schools” training

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