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FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity


About Clement Townsend

Clement Townsend spent close to two decades in front of the camera as a Sports Journalist including time spent on the local news, cable and the internet.  His career took him to several markets including San Angelo, Texas, Mobile, Alabama, Lynchburg, Virginia and Chicago Illinois.  Clement has covered numerous big events throughout his career such as the Super Bowl, NBA All-Star Game, and multiple college football National Championships.  Clement is the author of “How to Become a Broadcasting Star” and the founder of Broadcasting Career Mentor (BCM).  BCM provides media training for youth across the country.  BCM offers in person training and virtual training through the Video Journalism Pro Online Course.

Show Highlights

  • Why representation matters
  • Who is telling our stories?
  • Opportunities for getting students involved with media
  • Social Media platforms
  • Can we integrate media beyond English and Journalism classes?
  • Choosing a media platform
  • The long-term benefits of public speaking

Connect with Clement

LinkedIn: Clement Townsend

Facebook: CTownsendTV

Instagram: CTownsendTV

Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins

Inquire about the Leading Equity Center’s “Annihilating Racial Injustice in Schools” training

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