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About Tracy Piper, Ed.D.

Each day brings a new opportunity to serve the community. Dr. Piper's work is focused on improving outcomes for all students, especially those from underserved groups. She provides leadership in examining practices that create inclusive systems to support students, staff and families.

Dr. Piper began her career as a stockbroker and changed careers to bring positive changes to her community in education. She has served as a teacher, site administrator and district administrator. With degrees from Northeastern Illinois University, California State University and University of LaVerne she has worked in public schools for 20 years.

She has twin daughters and lives in southern California with three lovable rescue dogs. She serves on the Boards of California Association of Pupil Personnel Administrators (CAPPA) and the Center Against Sexual Assault (CASA).

Show Highlights

  • The school to prison pipeline
  • Zero tolerance policies
  • In-school suspensions
  • Vulnerable decision points
  • Alternatives to suspensions
  • Student and teacher dynamics

Connect with Tracy

In-school suspensions the answer to school discipline? Not necessarily, experts say

Twitter: @drtracypiper

Inquire about the Leading Equity Center’s “Annihilating Racial Injustice in Schools” training

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