FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity


About Nancy Markowitz, Ph.D.

Nancy Lourié Markowitz, Ph.D. is Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child, where  her work focuses on integrating social, emotional, and cultural competencies into teaching and learning across the educator professional development pipeline. She is also Professor Emerita in the Department of  Teacher Education at San José State University and has been an urban elementary school teacher and K-8 school administrator. Her recent book, Teaching with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens: A Framework for Teachers and Teacher Educators, (2020), written with Dr. Suzanne Bouffard, serves as a resource for  bringing a social, emotional, and cultural lens into teacher education and school classrooms. 

About Suzanne Bouffard, Ph.D.

Suzanne Bouffard is a writer, researcher, and developmental psychologist who focuses on making research and best practice accessible to educators and families. She is currently Vice President of Publications at Learning Forward and editor of The Learning Professional magazine. She is the author of The Most Important Year: Pre-Kindergarten and the Future of Our Children (Avery, 2017) and co-author of Teaching with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens (Harvard Education Press, 2020) and Ready, Willing, and Able: A Developmental Approach to College Access and Success (Harvard Education Press, 2012).

Show Highlights

  • Shifting from academic to social and emotional
  • Things to consider regarding the first few weeks of school
  • SEL everyday
  • Reciprocal vulnerability
  • Culturally Responsive SEL
  • Staying grounded and self-care

Connect with Nancy

Email: [email protected]

Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child

Connect with Suzanne

Learning Forward

Suzanne’s Website

Additional Resources

Teaching with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens: A Framework for Teachers and Teacher Educators

Annihilating Racial Injustice in School Course

FREE AUDIO COURSE: Race, Advocacy, and Social Justice Studies

Learn more about the Advocacy Room

Instagram: @sheldoneakins

It’s time to Annihilate Racial Injustice in our Schools

For our students to feel safe at school, we need to create a learning atmosphere that allows all students to be themselves while knowing that their teachers are actively working to dismantle racism in their learning communities.

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An Affinity Space for Student Voices

Are you ready to transform the culture inside your district or school for the better? Enroll in the Advocacy Room today!

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