FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity


About Yvette Latunde, Ph.D.

Dr. Latunde is a Professor in the Organizational Leadership Program and Co-Director of the LaFetra College of Education Center for Educational Equity and Intercultural Research (CEEIR) at the University of La Verne. As she has navigated higher education and public schools, she found herself needing to engage in frequent self-care and purposeful interactions with diverse communities, in order to thrive. Thus she uses mindfulness, and applications of hospitality to lead, teach, mentor, consult, and coach.

Over the years she has published and presented locally and internationally on family, school, and community partnerships. Dr. Latunde is the author of Research in Parental Involvement: Methods and Strategies for Education and Psychology and numerous articles. She is a part of a team engaged in coaching school leaders on applications of mindfulness, and is the lead consultant for the African American Parent Advisory Academy, out of Riverside County Office of Education. Some of the work she is most proud of are the K-12 faith-based partnerships she has helped to develop and facilitate, to improve the ways in which schools engage with diverse families. She is also proud of the significant role she has played in the formation of African American Parent Councils throughout Southern and Central California.

Show Highlights

  • Not assume that everyone knows each other
  • Connect Black families to processes
  • Connecting Black families to the curriculum
  • Resources
  • Hospitality
  • Being relational and interactive

Connect with Latunde

Twitter: @doc_yvette

Bridges Leadership and Education Service

Amazon Author Page

Faculty Page

Bruised, Yet Not Broken: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Students and Families 

LE 60: A Voice for African American Parents: Parent Council Groups with Dr. Yvette Latunde

Additional Resources

Annihilating Racial Injustice in School Course

FREE AUDIO COURSE: Race, Advocacy, and Social Justice Studies

Learn more about the Advocacy Room

Instagram: @sheldoneakins

It’s time to Annihilate Racial Injustice in our Schools

For our students to feel safe at school, we need to create a learning atmosphere that allows all students to be themselves while knowing that their teachers are actively working to dismantle racism in their learning communities.

Learn More

An Affinity Space for Student Voices

Are you ready to transform the culture inside your district or school for the better? Enroll in the Advocacy Room today!

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