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About Winston Daley

Winston Daley was born in Jamaica and emigrated to Boston at 10 years old. In 2016, Winston decided to leave his career in finance to work with youth. Sports was his first connection point to the US and so that is where he pivoted: coaching, creating leagues for kids, working in schools, and becoming a Lead Facilitator at the Center for Sport in Society, doing workshops on relationship violence, racism and social justice. Winston has also worked in the nonprofit space on youth employment, environmental justice and community empowerment. 

Winston stepped into the startup world with Agogos after seeing his daughter’s school administrators’ struggle to find educators of color and watching the passive hiring practices of school districts. He believed he could create a solution to make hiring easier. Agogos’ goal is to create a hiring platform and community of practice dedicated to the recruitment, development, education and support of educators of color.

Show Highlights

  • A LinkedIn for Black and Brown educators
  • Job posting options for schools
  • Teacher job search options

Connect with Winston





Additional Resources

Learn more about the Advocacy Room

Free Course on Implicit Bias

20 Diversity Equity and Inclusion Activities

Annihilating Racial Injustice in School Course

FREE AUDIO COURSE: Race, Advocacy, and Social Justice Studies

Instagram: @sheldoneakins

Free Course

Enroll in this free course to learn about your biases and how to address them.

This course includes:

  • 11 video lessons
  • 5 downloadable resources
  • 1.0 Hour Professional Development Certificate
Learn More

An Affinity Space for Student Voices

Are you ready to transform the culture inside your district or school for the better? Enroll in the Advocacy Room today!

Learn More

Subscribe & Review in iTunes

Are you subscribed to the podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

Now if you enjoy listening to the show, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other advocates find the podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

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Transform your school and your classroom with these best practices in equity

Leading Equity delivers an eye-opening and actionable discussion of how to transform a classroom or school into a more equitable place. Through explorations of ten concrete steps that you can take right now, Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins offers you the skills, resources, and concepts youā€™ll need to address common equity deficiencies in education.


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