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Judy Newman, Chief Impact Officer at Scholastic As Chief Impact Officer, Judy leads Scholastic’s efforts to amplify its mission and expand its reach to ensure equal access to book choice and literacy for all children through partnerships with non-profits and other organizations. She most recently served as President of Scholastic Book Clubs—the company's unique, school-based book distribution channel that has been a treasured tradition for teachers to earn supplies for their classrooms, and for students to choose their own books. Since joining the Company in 1993, Judy has worked to champion teachers and position Scholastic as a trusted literacy partner to meet their students’ evolving needs. Judy also has extensive leadership experience in the non-profit space: she is a board member of Reach Out and Read and was Board Chair for eight years. She is Board Advisor to Book Trust; Chair of the Board of the M.R. Robinson Foundation; advisor to Pajama Program; and former president of the Ruby Bridges Foundation. Judy co-chairs Scholastic’s DEIB Leadership Task Force; leads the Company’s Black Educator Advisory Board; and drives The United States of Readers initiative, to activate private philanthropy and alternative sources of funding to leverage Scholastic’s strengths and partner with teachers in Title I schools and reach students with the greatest need of literacy support. Judy holds an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business; and a Master’s in Education from Harvard University.
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Leading Equity delivers an eye-opening and actionable discussion of how to transform a classroom or school into a more equitable place. Through explorations of ten concrete steps that you can take right now, Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins offers you the skills, resources, and concepts you’ll need to address common equity deficiencies in education.
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