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FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity
About Matthew Taylor, Ph.D.
Matthew Taylor is a post-doctoral scholar in STEM education and received his PhD in exceptional education from the University of Central Florida. His research and classroom instruction are influenced by his eight years of teaching experience in both elementary special education and general education. His research foci are early elementary students with intellectual disabilities using science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content; students with terminal illness or in the hospital for extended stays; and the professionals working with both of these populations (e.g., parents, teachers, related service providers). His research is highlighted by several studies, including robotics/coding instruction for students with disabilities, research at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, FL, and collaboration with the Department of Human and Public Affairs using TeachLivETM.
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Additional Resources
Computer Programming With Pre-K Through First-Grade Students With Intellectual Disabilities
How to Calm a Child with Autism
Create a Sensory Safe Yard for Children with Special Needs
Planning for Parents of Kids with Autism
Classroom Accommodations for Kids with Sensory Issues
Moving with Special Needs Kids
Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins
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This FREE download will give you 10 strategies to help you develop an equity competent mindset (AND give you a shot of confidence that you can become an ADVOCATE for your students!).