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FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity


About Will Deyamport, III, Ed.D.

Dr. Will Deyamport, III is a globally recognized Connected Educator and Connected Ed Consultant. Motivated by his passions for education and digital media, he has been able to leverage the use of social technologies in the classroom to enhance the learning experiences of people worldwide. While his efforts are primarily targeted towards teachers, it is his thought leadership in this specific field that has helped him to create an innovative, interactive and integrated classroom experience for students and teachers alike. In addition to identifying existing and underutilized digital tools and resources in education, Dr. Deyamport has worked diligently to bridge that gap. It is this core endeavor that has taken him on the professional adventure of a lifetime! His research and work in this field has helped shape his social entrepreneurship and given him the opportunity to connect and collaborate with some of the most inspiring and acclaimed people in education both nationally and internationally. Through these collaborations, Dr. Deyamport has been able to facilitate and curate powerful, thought-provoking and enlightening conversations and content which look at a multitude of issues educators face inside and outside of the classroom. The expansion and diversification of his professional portfolio has resulted in Dr. Will becoming a highly sought after speaker, presenter and guest lecturer. Dr. Will’s latest project The Edupreneur: Making the impact and the income is now available for digital download.

Show Highlights

  • Dr. Will’s process for finding a diverse group of guests on his show
  • Sometimes we need to pivot to find our niche
  • Tips for people of color aspiring to become Edupreneurs
  • The Edupreneur: Making the impact and the income

Connect with Dr. Will

Twitter: @iamDrWill

Additional Resources

The Edupreneur: Making the impact and the income

Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins

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Looking to get started with developing an equitable learning environment at your school?

This FREE download will give you 10 strategies to help you develop an equity competent mindset (AND give you a shot of confidence that you can become an ADVOCATE for your students!).