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About Yvette Latunde, Ph.D.
Dr. Yvette Latunde is the co-director for the University of La Verne’s Center for Educational Equity and Intercultural Research (CEEIR) and Professor in the Doctor of Organization Leadership program. She has a desire to bring new insights from local levels to international platforms. Her commitment to mentoring, doctoral-student success, and fostering academic success, and inclusion motivates her to apply concepts of Hospitality and Critical Theories in her research and course-work. Yvette is passionate about teaching, learning, and seeks to inspire others to be their best selves. Her research interests include: Family, Schools, & Community partnerships, Parental Involvement, and Dual Capacity Building. She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles and a new book, Research in Parental Involvement: Methods and Strategies for Education and Psychology.
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Additional Resources
Expanding their Opportunities to Engage: A Case of the African American Parent Council
Research in Parental Involvement: Methods and Strategies for Education and Psychology
Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins
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