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About Ryan Heath, Ph.D.
Ryan Heath is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Syracuse University. Previously, Ryan spent over a decade working in a variety of afterschool, summer and experiential education programs, and working as a clinical social worker. Currently, his research seeks to understand how extracurricular programs (including afterschool programs, summer programs and other organized activities) promote the social-emotional development of low-income youth, students of color, and other historically marginalized youth. To improve the reach, quality, and impact of these programs, his work aims to elucidate how extracurricular programs interface with other social-ecological contexts that affect youth – such as schools, peers, and families – and to identify the potential mechanisms through which extracurricular programs influence youth’s social-emotional development and educational attainment.
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Additional Resources
Extracurricular activities and disadvantaged youth: A complicated but promising story
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