Bringing You Expert Advice That You Can Watch From Anywhere
Why go through the hassle of registering for an in-person training? There's time, travel, gas, hotel, etc. involved. We recognize that we are all busy and that attending a workshop is not always feasible. That's why we bring the professional development to you through online learning. Consider it PD that you can watch at home while sipping your latte.

Discover research-based and practical strategies on how to foster an equitable learning environment for ALL students.

Develop an equity-driven mindset to take your leadership, curriculum, and instruction to the next level.

Drive change and empower others to disrupt inequities in schools and classrooms.

Hosted by Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins
A Weekly Livestream on YouTube
Follow us every Thursday at 6:30 PM Eastern to learn ways that you can develop your advocacy skills in your school/community from experts in education.
This show is built on three principles
- The Power of Preparation- Discover ways to develop a plan to address inequities in schools.
- The Power of Persuasion- Gain an understanding of the art of influence and create a sense of urgency towards change.
- The Power of Persistence- Recognize how to endure challenges as they may arise.

In Teaching Online, we will walk you step-by-step through the entire process of launching and facilitating an online course. With straight to the point videos and resources, you'll have your online course up and running in no time so that you can lead an engaging virtual classroom.

Through varying examples of implicit bias in school settings, Dr. Eakins provides a complete understanding of the fundamental premise of implicit bias. True stories and research in schools will illustrate the emotional and behavioral dynamics within implicit bias and how to address them.

Foster intrinsic motivation, enhance engagement, and create a collaborative learning culture. Gain practical insights into assessment design and effective communication. Create a growth-oriented classroom that empowers students. Enroll now and unlock their potential!

Find the topics you need to further your understanding with this audio course. We've broken down the Leading Equity Podcast episodes into 9 categories.

An asynchronous course centered around Anti-racist and Anti-bias examples in school settings. Dr. Eakins provides the learner with a complete understanding of the fundamental premise of creating an Antiracist learning environment. True stories and research in schools will illustrate the need to foster an inclusive learning space for all students.
This is a ten-module online course that targets educators at all levels of their equity journey.

A six-module online course created to help you become a better educator to ethnically and linguistically diverse students.

Issues of race, culture, and identity are deeply personal and oftentimes emotional. As we engage with students, families, and other stakeholders around the concepts of race and ethnicity, it is important to frame conversations in a way that creates a safe, affirming space for all. Use this course filled with a list of tips as a guide for engaging in brave discussions about race and ethnicity as an educator.

Leading change is a collaborative effort and thoughtful leaders must begin with the end in mind. However, leading change involves strategic planning sessions that increase awareness of the blind spots within our professional practices. This playbook features 20 activities you can use to lead change initiatives with the goal of ensuring equity within your organization.

- The Amplifying Student Voices Playbook (PDF)
- One 60-minute 1-on-1 session with Dr. Eakins and Darlene Reyes
- Five student lessons and five student slide presentations
- A signed copy of the Leading Equity Book

Are you ready to transform the culture inside your school or your district? We're here for the kids, and we all have to recognize the importance of student empowerment. Enroll in the Advocacy Room today!

As student demographics continue to change in our classrooms, we can support students from diverse cultural backgrounds with ensuring that ALL students receive the resources they need to be successful. Whether you’re completely new to teaching or have been at it for a long time and want to continue to grow, Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins has pulled together some phenomenal speakers to share their research, experience, and tips to help you succeed as an educator. With 15+ speakers, you’re sure to find some great tips to help you!

It seems like every time we turn around, a new dance comes on the scene that captivates our youth to move to the beat. Hip Hop Based Education is a culturally relevant approach to integrating Hip Hop in our curriculum and instruction. But Hip Hop Education is not limited to the classroom. It’s a movement that can change the culture and climate of our schools. Whether you’re completely new to Hip Hop or have been an appreciator of the culture for a long time, there is so much that you can learn. Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins, Founder of the Leading Equity Center, has pulled together some phenomenal speakers to share their research, experience, and tips to help you succeed as an educator. With 10 speakers, you’re sure to find some great tips to help you bring Hip Hop into your school!

Join Dr. Eakins as he brings on an experience of healing from 7 guest speakers. Learn ways to find support for your mental health and self-care.

DEI Leader Mastermind
A five-week Mastermind for DEI leaders. It’s hard to do this work alone. Connecting with others who are also doing equity work is one of the most important ways to grow as a leader. That’s why I’m inviting you to join the Equity Leader Accelerator. A small community of leaders dedicated to their personal and professional growth as voices in leading equity. Summer program dates are coming soon.