Equity Leader Accelerator
Creating A New Normal Mastermind
July 8 - August 6
Let’s face it: COVID-19 did not bring inequities into our schools.
Our students have been experiencing WiFi and device challenges, food insecurity, and trauma way before this pandemic. Our students may continue to experience these challenge after COVID-19.
As an Equity Leader, you play a pivotal role in Creating a New Normal.
Now that more conversations are happening about the challenges our families are facing, it’s time to begin the planning for what education should look like going forward.
Let me ask you a few questions
- Would you like the opportunity to be in a small group community (6-8 members) of like-minded equity leaders and gain access to years of experience and wisdom from other equity leaders like you?
- Would you like to surround yourself with trusted peers that you can share strategies and challenges with them while getting solid advice and fresh perspectives?
- Would you like to develop a plan to address areas such as achievement gaps, equity in online education, social-emotional support for students and staff, and rebuilding school culture?
- Would you like five weekly meetings that you can participate in virtually with your Community as you develop your leadership skills?
It’s hard to do this work alone. Connecting with others who are also doing equity work is one of the most important ways to grow as a leader. That’s why I’m inviting you to join the Equity Leader Accelerator. A small community of leaders dedicated to their personal and professional growth as voices in leading equity.
What do I get when I join the Community?
Members of this exclusive Community will participate in a coaching/accountability community in which everyone is committed to a high level of personal and professional growth.
This is a small group and will be considered full with 8 members. After that, interested leaders will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if an opening becomes available.
A special gift for joining the group.
As an added bonus, you will gain access to the Leading Equity Coalition, Leading Equity Virtual Summit All-Access Pass, and the Bringin' Hip Hop Into Our Schools All-Access Pass for 5 weeks (July 8 - August 6).
Leading Equity Coalition
A community of educators who want to become better advocates for their students!
Leading Equity Virtual Summit
With 15+ speakers, you’re sure to find some great tips to help you!
Bringin' Hip Hop Into Our Schools Virtual Summit
With 10 speakers, you’re sure to find some great tips to help you bring Hip Hop into your school!
Meet your Facilitator
Sheldon L. Eakins, Ph.D.
Sheldon L. Eakins, Ph.D. is the Founder of the Leading Equity Center and host of the Leading Equity Podcast. With over 11 years in education, he has served as a teacher, principal, and Director of Special Education.
Dr. Eakins has a passion for helping educators accomplish equitable practices in their schools. He has earned a B.S. degree in Social Science Education, an M.S. degree in Educational Leadership, and a Ph.D. in K-12 Education.
What are the expectations?
When are the meetings?
Do you accept purchase orders?
What is the size of the community?
Are you ready to do this?
Apply today!
After you complete this short application, Dr. Eakins will contact you to setup a Zoom introduction call.