"Thought provoking and will definitely be ordering the book and recommending it to my administration for a book study."


  1. He is a current school principal and proven educational leader with a track record of transforming school systems to better serve students and their communities.
  2. With seven years as a middle and high school history teacher, he is an expert in culturally responsive teaching and can help educators develop a more inclusive curriculum and pedagogy.
  3. Having worked in urban, suburban, private, rural, higher education, and Tribal settings, he has experience working with diverse student populations and comprehends the distinct challenges students from different backgrounds face.
  4. He can help schools implement strategies to improve academic achievement and close the achievement gap between students from different racial and socioeconomic groups.
  5. He is a skilled communicator and presenter and can deliver engaging and informative workshops and presentations on a wide range of education-related topics.
  6. He is a thought leader in education and can provide valuable insights and perspectives on current issues and trends in the field.
  7. He is passionate about education and committed to making a positive difference in the lives of students and educators.
  8. He profoundly understands the challenges schools and educators face today and can provide practical solutions and strategies to address these challenges.
  9. He is a lifelong learner who stays up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in education and can help schools and educators remain current as well.
  10. He is a collaborative and supportive partner who works closely with organizations to understand their unique needs and goals and develop customized solutions that meet and achieve those needs.


Whether it is webinars,  workshops, keynotes, or one-on-one coaching, Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins can help train your staff on ways to ensure equity at your school. All workshops and coaching are available virtually.

Keynote Options

In this session, Dr. Eakins answers 4 questions for STEM educators:

  1. How can we make STEM memorable?
  2. How can we make STEM considerate?
  3. How can we make STEM familiar?
  4. How can we make STEM emotional?

Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. This is not always an easy feeling to achieve. However, as we work through various challenges that test our levels of comfort, we can slowly develop our confidence as educators. Confidence in having difficult conversations and moving up professionally are just some of the daily experiences that we face. In this keynote presentation, Dr. Eakins shares personal stories and research regarding the significance of being confident as educators when facing uncomfortable situations.

Take a journey with Dr. Eakins as he shares his experiences as an educator living overseas and his introduction to culturally responsive practices. Session attendees will understand the value and impact of addressing their biases to teach through a culturally diverse lens.

The Legend of Zelda was released on the original Nintendo in the US in 1986. This game revolutionized the gaming industry in many ways, including an open-world format and the ability to save your game and not have to start from the beginning every time you turn on your Nintendo. What does this have to do with education? In this presentation, Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins will share with the audience how to harness their “Triforce of Power” (Power, Wisdom, and Courage).

This session discusses ways parents can learn to advocate for their children at school. Dr. Eakins will share personal stories on helping parents ensure equitable practices for their children's needs.

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