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Hey Advocates!
Radical imagination is something that I am beginning to study more and more. I believe that radical imagination can be a catalyst for belonging and empowerment in marginalized students. The great Eminem said, “The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.”. I know you may be side-eyeing me for quoting Eminem, but let’s be for real for real…Em got bars for days, and this quote, for me, says that I can live life like I already know how it’s going to happen or I can life like I imagine it to be. For marginalized students, this ride, through life, can feel like an endless roller coaster. Radical imagination is like strapping on an invisible seatbelt. It helps them dream up futures without limitations and envision lives where their identities are celebrated, not sidelined.
Imagine if our schools were like those amusement parks where you get to design your own rollercoaster. Radical imagination allows students ...
Hey Advocates,
My initial plans for this week's Weekend Voice were put on hold due to the recent shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia. I'm heartbroken, scared, and enraged. You may know by now that I recently returned to school as a high school principal. I moved from Idaho to Phoenix in April, and I'm at a loss for words.
Don't get me wrong, I get emotional whenever there's a school shooting. It's hard for me to read and watch the updates. This marks the 24th school shooting in 2024, and honestly, this one hit me differently. As a full-time consultant, I had the privilege of entering a school for a half-day, full-day, or sometimes a few days at a time. Then I would return home and prepare for my next session. But as a school principal, this tragedy has given me a new perspective.
I began to tear up when I read about what happened to Richard Aspinwall, an assistant football coach and math teacher at Apalachee. Richard's natural instincts kicked in when he heard gunshots—he w...
The way we structure our classrooms often mirrors the cultural values we hold. In the United States, where individualism is highly valued, our classrooms tend to emphasize personal achievement, independence, and competition. However, in a diverse educational environment, it’s crucial to strike a balance between individualism and collectivism to meet the needs of all students.
Let’s take a moment to explore how these cultural dimensions influence our teaching practices and what we can do to create a more balanced classroom environment.
Individualism in the Classroom:
In an individualistic classroom, students are encouraged to work independently. Assignments are often designed to assess personal achievements, and there’s a strong emphasis on individual rights and competition. This approach works well for students who thrive on self-reliance and personal goals.
However, it’s important to recognize that not all students come from individualistic backgrounds. In fact, many students may ...
Imagine a student named Jason. He’s energetic, social, and has trouble sitting still during individual tasks. His teacher, Miss Thompson, notices that he struggles to stay focused during a silent worksheet activity. Instead of completing the assignment, Jason starts moving around, asking his classmates for answers, and generally seems disengaged.
What’s going on with Jason? Is he just a troublemaker, or is there something more at play?
Jason might be coming from a collectivist cultural background, where group work and collaboration are highly valued. In this context, his behavior isn’t disruptive—it's a reflection of his natural learning style. Unfortunately, in a classroom that prioritizes individual work, Jason’s needs are not being met, leading to frustration and disengagement.
How could Miss Thompson approach this situation differently? By recognizing Jason’s cultural background, she could adjust her teaching methods to better accommodate his needs.
Strategies for Teachers:
When you think of your home refrigerator, what comes to mind? Is it just a place to store food, or does it represent something more? For me, growing up, the refrigerator was a symbol of the structured individualism that defined my household. Each item had a designated purpose, and personal boundaries were respected. As an adult, however, my refrigerator evolved into a communal space—a reflection of the collectivist values that now guide my household.
This transition from individualism to collectivism in my personal life got me thinking about our classrooms. How do the values of individualism and collectivism play out in educational settings, and what can we learn from them to better serve our students?
In many U.S. classrooms, individualism is the norm. Students are often encouraged to work independently, with personal achievements and individual rights being prioritized. However, this approach might not resonate wit...
Did you miss me? I know I've been MIA for a few months, but I have a good reason. First of all, shout out to my Sis. Sholanda for holding things down these last few months while I finish up writing my next book. I can't thank her enough.
I must say, living here in Phoenix has been a blast so far, even though it's hot as you know what out here. But I digress. I've been cooking (no pun intended) my next book entitled "Don't Bring Boxed Macaroni to the Potluck! The Ultimate Cookbook for Creating Belonging in School." If you've been following me over the last year, you may have attended some of my Sense of Belonging series webinars and live streams on my YouTube channel. If not, check out some of the videos and subscribe to the channel.
Before I dig into today's topic, I just want to say that I can't wait to release this book, it's some of the realist content that I've ever written. But I'll give you a few sneak peeks over the next few months. Let's dig in!
Heyyyy Advocates!
I missed you all! I am traveling a bit, this summer, and truly taking some time to reintroduce myself to me. Therefore, the content is a bit delayed. The only way to reset, sometimes, is to disconnect so that you can come back and the main thing is the main thing. Having limited internet access also helps! I hope that you find the time to show up for yourself, during this summer. You deserve moments of peace, joy, and self-discovery. If there is no opportunity available for you to take, then create the opportunity to recharge, reflect, and prioritize your well-being. Remember, your self-care is not just a luxury, but a necessity. Embrace the chance to nurture your spirit and come back renewed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
Now that I’ve given you my hope, let’s get to it.Â
Today, I’m sliding into your inbox like a student with a last-minute assignment. We love all of our students, but we love our procrastinators real hard, don’t we?? Our stud...
Hey Advocates,
I know I can't be the only one up at 2 a.m. wondering about mission and vision statements. Let's be real. If I'm up at 2 a.m., it's probably because I'm wondering about a large piece of chocolate cake or a large chocolate milkshake. It's definitely not because I'm pondering the ins and outs of designing mission and vision statements. Since we are here, though, we might as well have a conversation about them.Â
A mission statement and vision statement are a company's superpower. As a matter of fact, before I patronage a business, I want to know what values, morals, ethics, and principles they intend to honor and uphold. A company's mission statement and vision statement have the power to make me feel like I belong in that space, have power to make me feel comfortable referring my family and friends to that space with the hope that they will receive top-tier services. They have the power to help me make a sound decision regarding investing my resources of time, energy, an...
Hey Advocates,
This week, I went to a Barre class for the first time. A studio finally opened in my area, and I decided to go on a whim. It was so much fun, y'all. It was fun because I was greeted at the door by the instructor, who wanted to know my name, and after hearing my name, she repeated it CORRECTLY. Now, I know you are like, "Sholanda, why did you shout "correctly" like that." Well, let me stop for a second and tell you why.
Friends, I would be wealthier than the Carters and the Rockefellers combined, if I was paid for every time I said my, in my opinion, very simple name, and someone chose to call me something that didn't sound anything like what I just shared with them. Like, excuse me, who?? Were you listening to me at all? Because SHOW-LAND-UH sounds nothing like SHA-LUND-AH or Samantha, Shelandria, Shandra, Sandra, or whatever else "S" names my parents didn't give me but people wanna bestow upon me. Now, Sandras and Samanthas, my great sisters, I'm advocating for your n...
Every Friday you can expect a small and informative message from the Leading Equity Center. The Weekend Voice is meant to challenge your thoughts of education today and to provoke you to take action in your schools.