SEL is more than a destination; it's the engine that drives meaningful interactions and holistic growth.

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There is hope for education and our future generations of students.

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It's hard to believe that I'm in the best shape of my life at this age.

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How the SCOTUS Ruling Impacts Our BIPOC Student's Sense of Belonging

Hey Advocates,

My initial plan for today's Weekend Voice post was scrapped yesterday. I watched the news that the United States Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions. It got me thinking about my research on making students feel like they belong in school.

I believe having a diverse group of students in college is crucial, but it's equally important to make sure they stay and feel like they belong. Setting the court ruling aside for a moment, this is an opportunity for colleges like Harvard and UNC to keep creating a welcoming environment for ALL students.

A sense of belonging means that students of all genders, religions, backgrounds (including being the first in their family to go to college), limited income, disabilities, and sexual orientations feel accepted, included, and supported.

The court ruling will have a negative impact on black and brown students, especially if they also face other challenges mentioned earlier. College admissions will change...

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When considering our school stakeholders, a critical question arises: What does the mission statement convey?


Hey Advocates,

Last night during my live stream, I shared the six strategies for cultivating a caring system. The work of Dr. Kate Kennedy inspired my presentation. Starting with a caring vision that sets the tone for our schools and institutions is crucial in our journey toward educational excellence. 

When considering our school stakeholders, a critical question arises: What does the mission statement convey?


Imagine a student who does not fit within the "embracing culture" and is looking for a sense of belonging. Will they see themselves reflected in the mission statement? Often, mission statements solely focus on academic success or preparing students for life after graduation, lacking the affirmations that support all identities. These statements may be "safe" and fail to incorporate language that centers around a sense of belonging and care.

We must pause and ask ourselves: Is it time to revisit ...

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These subtle acts can profoundly impact a student's sense of belonging.

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Why Teachers Need to Know About Students Living in Poverty

Hey Advocates,

I hope you had a great week and I want to recognize the start of Pride Month here in the United States. It’s unfortunate how much hatred and bigotry is out there because of Pride Month. 

I’m keeping this week’s message short and sweet. Why? Well, I’m doing a thing on my bucket list this weekend. About three years ago, I started hitting the gym consistently and this past January, I made the decision to take things to the next level. So I’m participating in my first bodybuilding competition this weekend. I’ll be competing in the Men’s Physique category at the Idaho Muscle Classic. Even though I’m on stage all the time doing keynotes, posing in front of judges and others makes me nervous.

Plus, I’m so hungry 😭




In my next book about creating a sense of belonging for students, I’ve been writing about the impact of poverty on a students’ academic, social emotional, and wellness. Here are some ...

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Grades are subjective and only sometimes reflect actual learning.

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What I learned from this experience was the value of the unofficial mentor.

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Do we want our students to be included in a burning house?

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Sign Up For the Weekend Voice

Every Friday you can expect a small and informative message from the Leading Equity Center. The Weekend Voice is meant to challenge your thoughts of education today and to provoke you to take action in your schools.